The Next Chapter of the Podcast

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Podcast, Podcast: Mindset | 0 comments

The Next Chapter of the Podcast

In this week's episode of Aligned & Ambitious Radio, we are going to discuss my intentions for the show this year and what the next chapter is going to look like for Aligned & Ambitious. I am going to be talking straight from the heart to determine what this show is evolving into and what it's not. I am so excited to dive deeper into this topic with you! 

But before we dive on in, let me introduce myself. My name is Taylor Slango and I’m the host of Aligned & Ambitious Radio and a business coach who helps women make major bank through their online businesses. 

So if you’re an ambitious millennial, wanting to get more out of life and learn how to combat those who doubt you along the way, stick around. This podcast episode is for you!

And today, we are going to talk all about how this podcast is not about “doing”, but more about “being”. This is the show that I want you to be able to pop into your ear that takes you away from what everyone else is doing. So tune in to episode 84 on your favorite podcast streaming platform for even more details!

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The next chapter

The future of this podcast can stop you from putting yourself in a box.

These days, I have been hesitating to call myself a business coach. The title of business coach just doesn't do it for me. I feel restricted by the characteristics that are allotted in our Instagram bios and the titles we give ourselves on social media. I started thinking about the other ways we have all tried to summarize ourselves and fit ourselves into different boxes. What I can say for sure about this podcast is that it is a space to hang out and help you break out of that box. If you know me, you know that I absolutely hate the illusion of fitting into a “box”. The next chapter of this podcast is not about doing, it is simply about being. I have a background in strategy, funnels, marketing, and advertising. I want to be able to inspire you and share all the sh*t that goes into entrepreneurship. I want to talk about the process and the results and I want you to be a part of my experiences. I am going to totally peel back the curtain in this podcast because if there is anything I learned in 2020, it is that there is no hierarchy in the coaching space!

How social media only shows you so much. 

One thing I want you to take away from the next chapter of this podcast is that even the people you look up to, the people you respect and look at as mentors, are humans and have not fully figured it out even though they may look like they have. We are all doing our best and figuring out how to be the best version of ourselves. Social media doesn't show you the full picture all the time. I am done hiding the process on social media because when I want to share something, I just want to go off on a riff, which is why I chose to do it in this episode. I don't want to hold anything back or be stuck in a box. This show is about embodiment and integrity. I know that I don't have to have it all figured out, and neither do you. I don't need to have the perfect podcast or the perfect Instagram because, in the end, it's not about any of that. It is about taking the leap and holding the faith. For me, it was about clicking record this week and trusting myself enough to know exactly what was going to flow out of my mouth. This is just another conversation we are going to be reinforcing on this show; that unwavering, deep belief, and trust in yourself and trust in the process. 

The meaning and belief behind Aligned and Ambitious.

How I define alignment is thinking about the things you want, value, and all the things that are close to your heart. Alignment is about the vision you hold and the dreams that you have. You have to make sure your actions align with those. It is so important to make sure the story that you tell yourself and the decisions you make are aligned with where you want to go. I understand that building a sustainable and scalable business is not an overnight process. It is something that takes time, energy, and commitment. I am someone who shows up, does the work, takes the action, and aligns everything I do with what I want. I want to use this podcast to show you the things that I am learning on my journey. I will be sharing lessons I've learned, things I've experienced, and stories that should be told. I know that you will relate to them and I can help you feel seen and heard. At the end of the day, I want this podcast to empower you and help you realize that the things you are going through, so am I and so is everybody else. We are all going through our own process and there are things that not everybody is going to understand about what you do. This is a space where you are understood and you are celebrated. I want to go in this direction in this next chapter of my podcast because it doesn't belong in a box and neither do I.

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What 2020 revealed to me and what 2021 is going to look like. 

In 2020, I questioned everything including who I am, what I was doing, and what my purpose was. I asked myself what doors need to close, and what doors need to open. I questioned just about everything because I didn't truly trust myself and think that what I brought to the table was enough. I had to do a lot of unconditioning around the coaching space, I purged through a lot of relationships, I released a lot of clients, and I exited my mentorship and mastermind program. There were so many shifts that happened and that's because I asked myself questions. The moment I checked in with myself and figured out where my head was at, is when I realized I wasn't doing a lot of thinking for myself and so I had to make that a priority. When I was able to get clear on the answers to those questions, I was able to become my true authentic self. 

This podcast isn't going to be the show with all the answers. If anything, the podcast is going to be a mirror because I am going to share my experiences, my healing, and my triggers. I want to make you feel seen and heard! Tony Robbins once said that the quality of the questions you ask determines the quality of your life. In 2020, I started asking myself better questions and I started asking my clients better questions. I taught them how to check in with themselves and look inside for the answers instead of out. In terms of 2021, I’m not entirely sure where this show is going but I didn't want that to be a reason to just keep putting out content for the sake of putting out content. I don't want to record a bunch of episodes or take repurposed Facebook lives just because I didn't have all the answers and I didn't have it all figured out. I want to use this year to kick off a new season and the next chapter in the podcast of embodiment and let you know that even the people you look up to are still trying to figure it out. 

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The Next Chapter of the Podcast: Main Takeaways

I hope hearing more about the next chapter of this podcast has gotten you excited for what's to come. I want you all to always be in alignment with your beliefs and values and never put yourself in a box. You are your own person and can't be defined by one word. I can't wait to share all my life lessons and bring you along my journey this year. 


Thanks for tuning in to Aligned & Ambitious Radio! If you liked what you heard, connect with me on social too at Facebook, Instagram, or start working with me

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  About Your Host

Hi! My name is Taylor and I help ambitious women make a lot of money on the internet. Since you're here, it's safe to assume you're: Aligned and Ambitious. You want to build a business that gives you total freedom with your money AND time. I'm here to make that process SIMPLE + FUN.

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I´m Taylor Slango

I’m Taylor Slango, an Ease Expert and Creative Strategist in business coaching, dedicated to simplifying your path to success. My unique approach blends innovative strategies with a focus on making your business journey more efficient and enjoyable. I believe in turning challenges into opportunities and in coaching that transforms not just your goals, but the way you achieve them. My aim is to infuse your business endeavors with creativity and ease, offering tailored, practical advice that resonates with both budding entrepreneurs and established leaders. Join me in redefining the route to success, where your business aspirations are achieved with clarity and a touch of creative brilliance.


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