How to Build a Good Team for Business Success

by | Apr 19, 2021 | Podcast, Podcast: Mindset | 0 comments

How to Build a Good Team for Business Success

How do you even start building out a team for your business? 

What does the process look like? 

If these are questions that have run through your mind, then this post is going to be super helpful.

This is a common question I get asked about… A LOT. I wanted to do a full dedicated post on it and share with you exactly how I started building out a team for my business and all of my top tips.

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How to know if you're ready to hire and how to EVEN start…

The truth is, when hiring a team member, you're never really ready. 

Ready is a mindset, it's not a circumstance! 

Building a team is a HUGE investment. It's the same kind of investment as hiring a coach or joining a program so we need to look at both as the same. 

With a team, you’re getting your time back which is just as valuable as money, as well as having that incredible support system. 

Here’s the first step to take when you’re considering to start bringing on a team:

Make a list of everything you are still doing in your business that's outside your zone of genius.

This can be…

  • Administrative work
  • Client care
  • Miscellaneous tasks or duties that you feel may not be your strong suit

This list gets you thinking about all the moving pieces that will make your business operate and function properly. 

Now, take that list and break it into 2 lists.

List #1: Decide which are your least favorite tasks. 

List #2: Decide which tasks you feel you can do relatively quickly. 

From there, you can decide who’s best for those positions and dive deep into who you're looking for. 

Why patience is KEY for building a team.

This was one lesson I had to learn the hard way. 

I used to expect people to come on my team and automatically think like me and make decisions like me. 

NEWSFLASH, that's never going to happen.

I realized I wasn't leading them or giving them the resources they needed. I just expected them to know everything and this was a huge realization for me. 

Here’s the shift I made…

I took a step back, downsized my team, and made sure every single person that came in was given full attention. 

You have to give the people you hire TOOLS and GUIDANCE to be successful and fulfill the areas of support you need.

Once I realized this concept, my team totally transformed for the better.

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Always be patient and never expect too much in the beginning.

People need to learn and be trained to get to the spot you want them to be at. 

This all comes hand in hand with communication. 

You need to explain everything, take your time, and communicate with them so that things can be done right the first time.

How I see my team thriving and growing.

I learned so much when I was able to have the mindset shift of providing my team all the tools and resources necessary to succeed in their roles.

I hope with these tips, you can begin the hiring process for your own business on the right foot and avoid the initial mistakes I made. 

Real talk… I wasn't given the resources I needed to be a good leader and a good boss in the beginning. 

Through trial and error, I’m proud to say that my business and my team is in a GREAT place. 

I’ve been able to get to a place where I work with aligned individuals who match my mission, that’s been the secret to building such a good team. 

A team is the best investment you could make if you want to see your business scale and reach new heights of success.

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How to Build a Good Team for Business Success: Main Takeaways

I hope this post helps you lay out a foundation for building a team and encourages you to pour into the people who are pouring into you. I hope all of my tips help you out when it comes to WHEN to hire, WHAT to look for, and WHAT to think about so that you can ensure a successful and sustainable team for your business.


Thanks for reading this post! If you liked what you learned, connect with me on social too at Facebook, Instagram, or start working with me!

  About Your Host

Hi! My name is Taylor and I help ambitious women make a lot of money on the internet. Since you're here, it's safe to assume you're: Aligned and Ambitious. You want to build a business that gives you total freedom with your money AND time. I'm here to make that process SIMPLE + FUN.

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I´m Taylor Slango

I’m Taylor Slango, an Ease Expert and Creative Strategist in business coaching, dedicated to simplifying your path to success. My unique approach blends innovative strategies with a focus on making your business journey more efficient and enjoyable. I believe in turning challenges into opportunities and in coaching that transforms not just your goals, but the way you achieve them. My aim is to infuse your business endeavors with creativity and ease, offering tailored, practical advice that resonates with both budding entrepreneurs and established leaders. Join me in redefining the route to success, where your business aspirations are achieved with clarity and a touch of creative brilliance.


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