The 3 Personality Types of Launching & How to Find Yours

by | Oct 5, 2020 | Podcast, Podcast: Mindset | 0 comments

The 3 Personality Types of Launching & How to Find Yours

In this week's episode of Aligned & Ambitious Radio, I am diving into launch personalities. These are different archetypes I created about a year and a half ago. You guys know launching is my jam, I could talk about it all day long. So let’s break down the 3 different personality types of launching and how you can find yours.

But before we dive on in, let me introduce myself. My name is Taylor Slango and I’m the host of Aligned & Ambitious Radio and a business coach who helps women make major bank through their online businesses. 

So if you’re an ambitious millennial, wanting to get more out of life and learn how to combat those who doubt you along the way, stick around. This podcast episode is for you!

And today, I will be sharing the 3 different personality types of launching and how to discover yours. Tune in to episode 78 on your favorite podcast streaming platform for even more details!

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3 Personality Types

3 Personality Types, Point #1: The launch virgin.

This is the first personality type. If you are someone who is intimated by launching or you find yourself enjoying watching others launch, however, you haven’t gone in yourself because the process intimidates you a bit, you’re a launch virgin. When we work through the launch virgin personality, you will be working on things like creating your first offer and your first launch content calendar. All of the different pieces of launching may feel overwhelming to you.

Now you either completely avoid your launch, or you mildly show up and launch half-ass. This isn’t a beneficial or good use of your time. Some things I would suggest is working on reframing and reassigning meaning to the overwhelm you feel around launching. There are so many ways to launch, you can do it in your own way. You don’t have to make it extensive months of planning, just focus on connecting with your audience, and creating a high-quality offer.

3 Personality Types, Point #2: Launch learner.

This is the second personality type. This means you’ve launched before, maybe it was a bit messy or didn’t go the way you had planned. This could also mean you launched great and plan to do it again. Some things you may be working on are relaunching an existing offer, creating your first high ticket offer, having that first five-figure launch, and starting to map out what a rotation launch plan looks like for you. Unlike the launch virgin who’s just trying to get through the first launch, the launch learner is looking more ahead 3-6 months and forming a solid launch plan. 

When you are a launch learner, something you likely focus on is adding to your product suite. When it comes to product suites, it’s not meant to be overnight. I tried to build out my product suite overnight, and I ran the first program but discovered the layout of my product suite didn’t make sense. You have to learn through experience with this, there’s no shame in experimenting with your process. As you begin to work with clients hands-on and run different programs, you will find gaps and what you can add. At this stage it’s also critical to start auditing your client experience, now that you have launched an offer and got some social proof, it’s time to look at how that experience is for your client.

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3 Personality Types, Point #3: Launch lover.

This is the last personality type. The launch lover is probably starting to tamper with paid ads, Facebook ads, looking at strategic automation, evergreen campaigns, and more passive income. This is also where you start to get into a rhythm with your launch plan where you can just repeat. The great thing about working your way up to launch lover is that it removes the stress from launching, you don’t have to think about it. You get to the point where you’re launching in the same way, but just adjusting the content within the launch. You create a natural flow for your clients, and now when they finish one program they can join another program down the line to continue on their journey.

The focus here is expanding your audience, starting to tap into a new group of people, and expanding your network. Paid ads are great and powerful to do that. This is also where you’re creating more segmented funnels and segmented automation within your email provider to ensure the different people have different tags they need. You want to make sure you’re reaching out to the proper people. What happens then is that you trigger more strategic automation whether it’s an upsell, downsell, or they’re invited to a sales call. The launch lover has fun at this stage, the foundation is there. It’s just a matter of strategizing and becoming more intentional about the offers you do have. 

Inspiring the Future

The 3 Personality Types of Launching & How to Find Yours: Main Takeaways

This is a brief overview of the 3 different launch personality types as well as what each type is working towards. This will help you focus on the different things that need your attention according to your launch personality type. A lot of times a launch virgin will focus on the things a launch lover should be working on. You can be doing too much too fast or letting the process intimidate you. I’d love to know what your launch personality is, let me know after you listen to the full episode!


Thanks for tuning in to Aligned & Ambitious Radio! If you liked what you heard, connect with me on social too at Facebook, Instagram, or start working with me! 

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  About Your Host

Hi! My name is Taylor and I help ambitious women make a lot of money on the internet. Since you're here, it's safe to assume you're: Aligned and Ambitious. You want to build a business that gives you total freedom with your money AND time. I'm here to make that process SIMPLE + FUN.

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